Last night I was fortunate enough to be invited to my neighbor's, Jenny, house for a Long Beach Little Ones meeting. It was great meeting moms of similar aged children, plus it was really nice to get out and drink some wine! At the "meeting" we watched The Happiest Toddler on the Block video. It was very informative and I highly recommend it! Mark and I have been unknowingly utilizing some of Dr. Karp's techniques and they really do work.... so check it out! Larissa (Jenny's daughter) and Shayna will be competing for the Happiest Toddler on the Block status!
I know that this Blog (or Web Log) is titled, "Shayna," but it's really a place for me to write about the daily happenings of the household. I will post a lot of Shayna and William things here. This Blog will be a mixture of both her and other fun things going on the homestead.
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