I think it was way back in 1979 when my family and I drove past the park where they were having little league baseball sign-ups. All I knew was, that I wanted to play! At that time, there were no softball leagues for girls that we were aware of... so we had to play hardball with the boys. I had no idea that "softball" even existed, so it was clear to me that baseball was my only choice! I was placed on the "Mets" with one other girl. The "men in charge" of the league did not approve of us playing, so they were going to make us wear protective cups! If it wasn't for my dad, us girls would've had to wear "boy" cups... I think he promised them a lawsuit if they made us wear them. I am in the middle row, all they way to the right (with my mouth open...LOL) and my dad is sitting right next to me. Funny thing - Right now, I am 4 years older than my dad is in this picture! WOW!
We signed Shayna up for softball (Bobby Sox). As much as I wanted to be the coach, it is not possible at this time, with new baby and no sleep! She's really excited and I'm not too sure if she comprehends that her mom played Division II softball in college...
Mini-Sox - 6U For Girls with Playing Ages4 to 7: Designed to teach the basic skills. All girls play andlearn the game of softball, develop a team attitude and above all else... have fun The pitching distance is 25 feet. Mini-Sox has their own set of safety rules but girls learn to hit first off the tee, then off a Staff Pitcher and by the end of the season, off a Player Pitcher.
Here are some pictures of Shayna at her first softball practice:
I know that this Blog (or Web Log) is titled, "Shayna," but it's really a place for me to write about the daily happenings of the household. I will post a lot of Shayna and William things here. This Blog will be a mixture of both her and other fun things going on the homestead.
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