It's not so bad getting over a sinus infection and horrible cough, then breathing some fresh Washington state air, to come back to Southern California and raging/smoky fires. Although we are in Long Beach, those Santa Ana's are driving all of that smoke towards to coast... Our skies are a UPS brown and the ash falling looks as if it is snowing. Shayna & I have only been venturing out of the house for 30 minutes at a time, once per day, to go grocery shopping. Hopefully, tomorrow we'll have some better air to breathe... although, it's unlikely. Prayers and hugs go out to the Lawrences, who live in San Diego... Go Red Sox!
I know that this Blog (or Web Log) is titled, "Shayna," but it's really a place for me to write about the daily happenings of the household. I will post a lot of Shayna and William things here. This Blog will be a mixture of both her and other fun things going on the homestead.
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