Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lance Armstrong

This time of year, I am preparing myself for the summer weather... going through my clothes and packing away the jeans and pants for use next fall. A few years ago, I would also be preparing myself for Le Tour... The Tour de France. Because Lance Armstrong gave up cycling a few years back, I gave up watching it. It just wasn't the same to me, so I just lost interest. This year, Lance is on a new team and is looking slim and fit. Here he is on the cover of "Outside" magazine.He was actually wearing a plain blue tee, but the editors decided it would be great to add the profane graphic, "38. BFD." I'm not sure what looks more photoshoped... the Tee graphics or his big head on the little body... haha!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Shayna's First Trophy!

Shayna has been waiting for 5 years to get her first trophy. Well, today was the day. We have been playing softball for the last few months and she's been asking about a trophy, non-stop, every day for the past few months. She earned her softball trophy. She played in every game, participated in every practice, and played as hard as she could... Mark and I are very proud of her. She is such a good girl and a great competitor!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Last Day of Pre-School!

My, how time keeps on flying by... It was a mere 2 years ago that we started Shayna's educational adventure at the "J." She graduated last week with the ability to read, write, and count to 100. This summer, we have nothing but fun planned. It is a well deserved break for the both of us with lots of planned swimming play dates scheduled.

Here is Shayna graduating with her 2 best friends, Mason & Camille!

Here's a collage of the entire 2009-2010 Pre-K!
(Shayna is in the lower right hand corner)

Here are Shayna's wonderful teachers and aides.
(l to r: Dr. Barlevy, Ms. Keene, Mrs. Leiter, and Ms. Macias)

Even though William and I will be back in the Fall for our one day a week Mommy and Me class, it still won't be the same. Shayna told me she'd rather skip kindergarten and stay at the J for one more year!

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