OK, so today pretty much started off as a normal day. Shayna & I spent the night at the parents house after attending Shayna's cousin Alexander's 2nd birthday. Check out that slide in the background... Shayna was up & down that slide a few dozen times. Here's a video of my little daredevil.... (& her fat mom)
She's so cool!
So anyways, we get home and I decide to take the garbage cans out to the curb for tomorrow morning's early pickup. I drag the recycling can and there's a strange woman at the curb asking if she can look in my garbage for some important papers. I told her NO, of course, and drag the can back to the house, closing the gate behind me. I decided then that I would put Shayna's shoes on so we could go back outside and call 911 for this lady, as she was still wearing her nightgown plus, she had one of those whiplash neck collars on. As I was bending over putting Shayna's shoes on in my doorway, she appeared RIGHT BEHIND ME! Scared the you know what out of me, so I yelled, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!" She took a few steps back and sat in our little courtyard. I dialed 911 and told them of our situation. Long Beach's finest came out about 20 minutes later. In the meantime, I felt really sorry for the woman and struck up a conversation. It was more like crazy talk, but I didn't want to leave her in our courtyard by herself. We talked about everything from dragonflies to planets and back again! Actually, it was really intriguing. The police finally arrived and asked me what was going on. I told them what happened and they escorted her back to her house. Apparently, she lives right up the street. The police came by afterwards and told me that they couldn't do anything for her, which I thought was strange. They also told me where she lives so we can make sure to watch out. He also told me to lock our gate and front door! Washington state is looking better and better every day!!!! I took this picture through one of the windows on our door, so nobody would notice. That's our garbage can in the foreground, where it's still sitting right now, because I don't want anyone, crazy or not, sifting through my "important papers" and empty wine bottles. For some reason, this whole event really shook me up. I think it's the protective parent in me now... P.S. don't call 911 on your cell phone! It doesn't work!!!
I know that this Blog (or Web Log) is titled, "Shayna," but it's really a place for me to write about the daily happenings of the household. I will post a lot of Shayna and William things here. This Blog will be a mixture of both her and other fun things going on the homestead.
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