Shayna's birthday party went off without a hitch... but then again, there wasn't too much to go wrong. We had her birthday at her favorite place... Look What I Made. It's an awesome art studio for kids, here in the LBZ. Shayna had tons of fun with all of her friends and family.
Shayna had fun finger painting. Here, she's showing us how old she is. Thank God that these are all washable paints!
Here she is with Grandma decorating rocks!
Even the my mom and Mark's dad were having a fun time!
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves! I know Shayna did!
Here are some cute pictures from the party and afterwards:
I know that this Blog (or Web Log) is titled, "Shayna," but it's really a place for me to write about the daily happenings of the household. I will post a lot of Shayna and William things here. This Blog will be a mixture of both her and other fun things going on the homestead.
I'm bummed that we missed you guys. We were definitely there in spirit - it looks like you had a great time.
Can you believe that you've been a mom for THREE years??
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