OK... I called the doctor today because it has been 3 straight days that Shayna has had a fever. We have given her dose after dose of Tylenol and her fever just won't crack! I took her in and the doctor examined her. She told us to go home and try to collect a urine sample because it could be a UTI. Even though Shayna is still on Antibiotics every day to control this, our doctor just wanted to rule it out. She sent us home with a sample bag and a sample cup. OK.... How am I supposed to get a toddler, who BTW, is NOT yet potty trained, to pee in a cup? Here's how you do it.
1. Prepare a luke warm bath
2. Have toddler stand, not sit, in bathtub while you clean certain areas
3. Have toddler stand in water while holding a specimen cup underneath them
4. Get toddler out of the bath tub after 30 minutes of kicking water and trying to splash around, sipping water from a sippy cup, while holding a specimen cup underneath them
5. Have toddler stand on top of towel in the bathroom, sipping water from a sippy cup, and placing her hands in a cup of warm water (guess what, it's an urban myth! - cuz it didn't work!) while holding a specimen cup underneath her for another 30 minutes
6. Tell toddler not to pee, because they will pee if tell them not to, while holding a specimen cup underneath her
7. After almost 1 hour, toddler pees, mom rushes to place a specimen cup underneath them and startles toddler so only 2 drops of pee fall into cup.
I really do NOT wish this on anyone else! It turns out, the doctor said that there's just enough to run a culture... PHEW!